The Matrix Revisited 2001


An "extras-only" DVD, packed with documentaries and behind-the-scenes footage from the filming of the ground-breaking 1999 movie "The Matrix". Includes a rare interview with the elusive ...

All Titles
  • US: The Matrix Revisited The Matrix Revisited
  • BR: Matrix - Os Segredos da Produção Matrix - Os Segredos da Produção
  • DE: Matrix. Rückblicke, Einblicke, Ausblicke Matrix. Rückblicke, Einblicke, Ausblicke
  • RU: Возвращаясь к матрице Возвращаясь к матрице
  • ES: Matrix: Descubre lo increíble Matrix: Descubre lo increíble
  • SE: Matrix Revisited Matrix Revisited
  • US: The Matrix Revisited The Matrix Revisited
Released 20 Nov 2001
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